• Lotta Engberg

Lotta Engberg

Total Albums: 13

  • 22645

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Artist Overview

Artist: Lotta Engberg

Genre: Swedish

Total Albums: 13

Lotta Engberg is a Swedish dansband and pop singer. She was born Anna Charlotte Pedersen on March 5, 1963, in Överkalix, Sweden, and grew up in Laxå, Sweden. Lotta Engberg is known for singing "happy" and "joyful" "schlager" songs such as Fyra bugg & en coca-cola (1987), 100% (1988 together with the group Triple & Touch), Genom vatten och eld (1989), Världens bästa servitris (1991), and Kär och galen (1993). She has also sung some songs with more "serious" lyrics

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